Measure a color

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Measure of  a color samples can be started from many of the application pages/functions. The Color matching , Color complements and Formula editor pages all have buttons dedicated to this purpose.

Before measuring a sample be sure the instrument and the sample are correctly positioned, then just press one of these buttons to start the measure.


When measuring a color samples there are few considerations to keep in mind:


1.   Never measure wet samples! The measure will not be realistic and the instrument will get dirty and very difficult to clean.


2.   Make sure your sample has a homogeneous color surface.


3.   Do not try to measure irregular surfaces or samples too little to fit the instrument measuring hole.


4.   Do not try to measure metallic or pearlescent colors, these colors are commonly used in car finishing and require specific color instruments.


If no instrument is configured to operate with MegaFandeck, the "Measure" button opens the manual color data insertion page. This page can be also visualized pressing the ALT-M keys combination.


Manual color data insertion


This function is convenient in order to insert a measure taken from far away, or when the color instrument is not available.

Several color spaces (RGB, XYZ, Yxz, CIE-L*ab, CIE-L*ch) can be selected for data entry. The default illuminant and observer is D65 10°.




Buttons and keys



Key shortcut



INS, F11

Confirms the entered color data and returns to the previous page.



Press the cancel button to abort the current entry session and return to the previous page.