Matching engine

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When this page is displayed the matching engine is calculating the best matches to a target color. The target color can be measured using a spectrophotometer or a chromameter, or can be retrieved from a local color database in the competitors selection.

The matching progress can be followed looking at the advancement of the blue bar on the left-bottom corner of the page. The calculation can take several seconds depending on the matching engine and on the size of the formula database.




Once the matching process is completed a list of the best matches is displayed and each matching formula can be visualized complete of all details. For each formula cost of colorants and total colorant quality is available to pick the less expensive option.

To select a specific matching item double-clicking on it, or press the ENTER key or press the confirm button. Once selected all the color data will be transferred to the application main page.


QC mode options


Once the matching process is completed by default the formula is visualized with details about delta values. More details about the matching color differences can be displayed using the selector on the left-top part of the page, graphic representation of the color position compared with the target are available in different color spaces.




Buttons and keys



Key shortcut




Switches to the next QC graphics.



Gives focus to the matching results list. The arrow keys can be used to navigate the list. To select a specific matching item double clicking on it, or press the ENTER key or press the confirm button. Once selected all the color data will be transferred to the application main page.


INS, F11

Confirms the selected color formula and returns to the application main page.



Press the cancel button to abort the current session and return to the application main page.