Automatic dispenser interface

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If this option is enabled the main page of the application allows to send the displayed formula to an automatic dispenser driver. All the major dispenser protocols and manufacturers are supported.

For this purpose a dedicate button is located in the lower right corner of the main page .


Dispenser counter


Immediately on top of the dispenser button a dispensing counter is also displayed. When a new formula is selected this counter is set to zero and hidden. It increments each time the formula is sent to the dispenser.

The operator can manually adjust this counter pressing the ALT-DOWN (-) and ALT_UP (+) keyboard keys combinations. The ALT-DOWN (-) adjustment is useful when a certain number of bases must be tinted. It works like a count down until it reaches the final target.

This counter keeps track of the number of paint cans produced during a normal working session.


Buttons and keys



Key shortcut




Increments the dispenser counter.



Decrements the dispenser counter.



Sends formula data to the automatic dispenser driver. The dispenser counter will be incremented.


Bar-code validation


If the bar-code option is enabled a validation pop-up window will be displayed before dispensing.




Only after the proper bar-code scan is executed the application will send the formula to the dispenser driver.

If for any reason the bar-code is damaged or not readable, it is also possible to enter the code manually using the keyboard.

Depending on the application configuration it is possible that some PRODUCT > BASE > SIZE combination do not have a specific bar-code registered.

In this case a different window is displayed giving the possibility to the user to insert a valid scan. Again the bar-code can be scanned from a base can or can be entered manually through the keyboard.



Buttons and keys



Key shortcut



INS, F11

Stores the bar-code and sends formula data to the automatic dispenser driver.



Aborts the current dispensing session and returns to the main page.